Friday, February 12, 2010

A family away from home

Things in New Zealand are off to a great start (other than Rachel calling me a creep all the time)! I'm starting to feel more adjusted, I will get my missing bag back today, I finally shaved my legs so I don't have to wear pants in the warm weather-overall I'm just having a great time. Yesterday was a really good day. In the morning Robbie's wife, Christine, took me shopping. I managed to get most of the things I need, such as sheets, towels, a computer cord, and a cell phone. Then in the afternoon I was around Susan's house, I worked on planning my timetable, then went for a walk. In the evening Susan and I headed back to Robbie's house for dinner. Susan cook a delicious mac and cheese, then we headed out for a walk. (I know I should have brought my camera, sorry...) This included me, Robbie, Susan, Katrina (12), Reuben (15) and Isaac (9). We walked over near a beach, where we stopped for a while to overturn rocks looking for crabs (which we found, in large quantities). After a while of playing, it was getting dark so we headed home-only to be distracted by a play structure, where we stayed for another 30 minutes. I had a wonderful time playing with the kids, and was touched when Katrina asked if I would come back for her birthday party in April. Now I am about to head off to the beach with them! I'll be sure to take some pictures today.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like things are going well. Hopefully the pictures will come soon.
